Cannes Film Festival 2012: Competitive Program


Top 5 films of the Competition program of the Cannes Film Festival.

Kingdom of the full moon (rental in Russia from June 21)

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Film opening. In the new film of Wes Anderson (Unmatched Mr. Fox), Bruce Willis will appear, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Tilda Suinton, Francis McDerman. A completely magical story about two 12 year old lovers who escape together from the boy-scouting camp on a small island in New England. The action takes place in 60, which adds a picture of Sharma

Cosmopolis (Rental in Russia from July 19)

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David Cronenberg is - Robert Pattinson as a young magnate, who hurries through Manhattan to his hairdresser. But it discovers that his problems are much more than an unsuccessful haircut. Does the joke - someone wants to kill him .... We are waiting for, of course, very much is a movie - we hope that Robert will show himself from the best side and finally spreads the way Edward.

Casino robbery (rental in Russia from September 6)

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Director Andrew Domenic and actor Brad Pitt again in the same team (before that there was a film "How a cowardly Robert Ford killed Jesse James"). Pitt plays an armed tooth tooth killer, whom Mafia hires to investigate the bold casino robbery. However, spinning among indecisive customers, rogue-robustrs, tired killers and those who planted the "case", even a specialist difficult to maintain control over the situation ...

The most drunken district in the world (rental in Russia from September 7)

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In the 1930s, a dry law acted in America. The story is spinning around the three brothers (Shaya La Bef, Tom Hardy and Jason Clark), which earn alcohol smuggling. They have to withstand the corrupt police, a biased court, gangstera-competitors. This is an epic story of the struggle to stay on its path during the first in the history of America a large-scale crime wave.

Love (rental in Russia from October 25)

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The famous amateur "Prepare" Human nature on the screen - Michael Hanek brought his new picture under the name "Love" to Cannes. This time his attention is aimed at an elderly couple - intelligent music teachers and their adult daughter. It can be assumed that the famous Austrian will pay its special look both for the love between spouses and on the relationship between parents and daughter.

I hope that we will see:


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Director Lee Daniels took the screeny of Peter Dexter, Pedro Almodovar acted as a producer, and the main roles played Efron, Matthew McConaja and Nicole Kidman. Florida - Sixties. Ward Jensen, the "Miami Times" reporter, returns to his hometown at the request of the mysterious woman Charlotte, who conducts correspondence with prisoners in the Squaders' chamber. In an effort to write a resonant article, which will turn all his career, Ward furrows the entire district in the company Junior Brother Jack, who works in the town of Courier and falls in love with Charlotte. The investigation leads them from the prison of Mouw County in the deaf swamps, where the secrets are becoming more terrible.

Rust and bone

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Drama from the French director Jaco Odiara ("Prophet"). Marion Cotionar plays a quadrid trainer in the water park, which meets the father-single. Events will unfold rarity touching and dramatically. A small spoiler for those who do not know - the heroine of Cotionar in the film will lose his feet due to an accident, which is more dramatic?

On the road

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Walter Salles decided to be for what many were not taken - shielded the book of a famous American writer, the representative of the "Bit-Generation" - Jack Keroaca. Garrett Handlund, Sam Riley and Kristen Stewart will be driving on the roads of America, without thinking about tomorrow.

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