Avengers in Moscow. Jeremy Renner (Houdcay)


Houdcay appears for the first time in Tore, but this is an episodic role. He is aiming in the head of the God of Thunder and Lightning, when he tries to regain his hammer. Jeremy himself commented on this episode, joking: "I was given onions and arrows in my hands ... I have to shoot a guy, but I don't even know who he is" . Falconary eye does not have supernatural forces, he has no special costume (even a mask in the film, to the joy of actor, removed), he relies only to his skills.

It is very difficult for me to say what impression is producing Jeremy Renner himself. Fair. One of my favorite actors is excellent work and well-deserved nominations for Oscar, if we talk about the "Lord of the Storm" and "Town City". Just incredible reincarnation in the psychopath of Jeffrey Damemer. He fits well in the fourth "mission". A large number of episodic, but bright roles. In general, his career blows some stability.

But what can be said about Jeremy Renner, as about a person, spending 15 minutes with him next? This is ... how to twist the ocean. Modest? No, obviously, not at all. Sense of humor? Next to Downey younger he loses. Tired? Yes, possibly. I was very afraid that he would be a notprobating skeptic, but no. We allocated seven minutes, Jeremy worked well. But I can not say that here "hooked" (like, for example, Tom Hiddleston). From small details - noted that the makeup on Renner was much more than on other "vengeful" men. Well, I do not know, maybe the bruises under the eyes winks after stubborn work on the new "Born."

So, Jeremy Renner

- I am glad that the falcony eyes have the most comfortable costume in the whole team and the most cool weapon. According to Jeremy, onions and arrows a much cooler of the hammer or a flying suit;

- Long walked for Joss Uidon and Kevin Feigs to understand what merit Houdsight got into the team. Then he was explained that this was a very highly qualified specialist, and he had no simple arrows - there are exploding, there are velcro. After that, Jeremy with a calm soul began to work;

- It dreams that the falconian eye gets his separate cinema. This is an extra reason to dig in the past Hero, his motivations. So far there was no time for it. In particular, it wanted to understand that they are going on there with a black widow. And what happened in Budapest (the hint of Budapest is in one of the film episodes;

- believes that the muse is very suitable for falconry;

- It is experiencing an incredible happiness from what money is paid for what looks very cool. Although for this you have to train a lot. "Avengers" became his third action by the film after the "mission of impossible" and "The Evolution of Born;

"During this year, Renner met several times with Matt Damon. Of course, they discussed Born. After all this, Jeremy is so imbued with Matt, which now dreams with him to work in some project;

- Renner feels that it lies great responsibility to the born fans. And he hopes that the new team in his face, Rachel Weiss and Edward Norton inhales a new life in the franchise;

- It really wants to play in the "advisor" of Ridley Scott, but the project is still at the level of negotiations. Renner and Scott have already met several times, but the final decision has not yet been accepted.

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