Avengers in Moscow. Chris Hemsworth (Tor)


It so happened that our interview with Chris stood at the very end of his chart of communication with the press. By this moment, the actor was already pretty exhausted - according to the organizers, he wanted to eat, drink, sleep. But we must pay tribute - kept well. On my enthusiastic: "Wow, you really look in life like God," he rolled back: "I try. Comic obliges. Torle in great shape. And I need to match him. "

And it is really very beautiful - blue-eyed, high, blonde. It tells very interesting, in detail, inspire. And all the time smiles. Primary, but it seems that you know it for many many years. Honestly, it is difficult for me to imagine someone else in the role of Torah (thanks to Kenneth Brahn).

Let me remind you that since the first appearance of the torus on the screens, only a year has passed. The picture was perceived ambiguously. On the one hand, stunning casting and strong director. On the other hand, the audience was boring. According to the plot, I was exiled to Earth for my arrogant behavior. But, over time, he understands that people threaten the danger in the face of the insidious God of Loki. In the "Avengers" Loki again not sitting in place calmly. And the torus returns, because it is, a kind, family business ...

Ten minutes for interviewing it, of course, is catastrophically not enough. Therefore, you do not have time to ask and half. I bring small excerpts from our conversation, as in the case of Scarlett Johansson (For those who do not understand - this is not my assumptions, but pieces of interviews).

- in the "Avengers", Chris was easiest to work with Tom Hiddleston, as they have already met on the Torah's shooting area;

"Chris rejoices the successes of their native brothers." And "hungry games", where Liam played one of the main roles, he liked him;

- At the venue of the Avengers, Joss Odon tried to pay the same amount of screen time to each hero, but, Chris emphasizes that one star sparkled still a little brighter than others (I propose to guess who);

- Present Romantics Chris considers travel together in different cities;

- comparing Kenneth Barru and Joss Odon - Hemsworth notes that the first little more important characters, and the second dialogues;

- On the set of "Snow White and Hunter", all the actors really became friends (it turned out, for example, in the video congratulations Kristen Stewart happy birthday). At the site, the actor especially liked to ride a horse;

- Favorite books of Chris are "Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings".

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