"Avengers" in Russia: Simple Guilty Pleasure


We will be able to speak about the cinema only after April 20 (although I am so waved to share with you with your admiration), but about the heroes can be told now.

This morning in the hotel Ritz lined up a huge queue from journalists. Having broken off (in the difficult struggle), my badge (in the photo below), I went to find out: with whom, with whom, in the end, I will talk. It is necessary to note separately that this time a certain element of surprise was present. Typically, the schedule of all round tables and tet-aunts is described in detail in advance, but now everything is unknown to the last.

As a result, I managed to chat with Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth. We will talk about all separately (ah, Loki Loki!). Robert Downey Junior was practically unavailable - he talked with TV, gave a video interview to the largest Russian film entrance, visited one round table with journalists, and the second just canceled. Why? We can only guess, but rumors have been walking that he was a little offended by one of the journalists.

But "New Hulk" Mark Ruffalo generally refused to all interview. Again, we can only suspect for what reason.

If you watched a press conference broadcast, you could hear how Hemsworth speaks Russian "Thank you", and Johansson is a "black widow". Find out that Robert Downey Jr. wants to ask for political asylum in Russia, and Mark Ruffalo dreams of playing Rossomakh. In general, not the Sovar, but at the same time so many interesting stars have not arrived in Russia. And I sincerely wish the film of huge fees. In the meantime, I decipher the interview, suggest a simple survey on the topic, how is your favorite avenger? :-)

P.S. Photos from the premiere wait in the near future :)

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