John Carter or costumes rule Mars.


Costumes for the film created Mexican Mayenes Rubeo. As always, the name of the artist on costumes does not tell the viewer, so we look at the "track record". Well, "Avatar" and "Apocalypse", they speak for themselves. For "John Carter", Mrs. Rubeo had to create about 1,800 costumes. Moreover, what is interesting - everything was done manually, with an individual approach to each.

So, let's start with your favorite suit itself Rubeo. Wedding dress Princess Dei Toris , Decorated 120,000 rhinestones. By the way, they all sewed manually.

Separately add that Princess Dei - the girl is strong, smart, eloquent. Regent of the Royal Academy of Sciences, so God himself ordered to marry in a dress with Rhinestone Swarovski.


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And this is just an actress Lynn Collins, Mayes Rubeo and Nadia Swarovski.

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But how did the creators of the outfit of the King of Ternov Matai Shanga . To tailoring such a silver raincoat, 350 meters of fabric took.

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Mark Strong in the image

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Below you can see a suit Sab Tana. - King Zodangi. Character cruel and aggressive. Actually, it dreams to conquer Helium, as well as Princess, Toris.

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And that's Tardos Morse - Father Dei Toris. King Helium.

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Costumes Heliiumites and Zodangansev Created for quite a long time. But the decision came to themselves - the residents of the Zodangs approached the barbaric costumes, and for the residents of Helium created more peaceful clothes. Sketches of cosmines of ordinary wars - downstairs.

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And since we started talking about costumes, I will give a branded watch with a film symbolism to the first one who will write in the comments - How many guests were at the wedding of Dei Toris and Sab Tana? The only condition for participation is to be in St. Petersburg (or be able to pick up the prize in our Petersburg office).

John Carter or costumes rule Mars. 108878_12

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