Justin Bieber was upset because of the "wrong" nomination for the grammy award


Justin Bieber became the Nominee of the Grammy Prize 2021 in several categories: "Best Solo Pop Performance", "The Best Duet / Group Pop Vecuring" and "Best Pop Album". As you can see, the work of Bieber was considered pop-music, while he, according to him, recently worked in the style of R & B.

"I am very flattered what I appreciate and recognize as an artist. I am very scrupulously and tremble towards my music. But my album Changes is R & B-album, "Justin said.

The singer stressed that it is grateful for the nomination, no matter what. But he explained to fans that recently deliberately worked in the style of R & B. "For some reason, Changes did not exist R & B album, it is strange. I since childhood I love R & B and dreamed of bringing this sound to my music. It is very strange that he [Album] did not get into this category, given that there are melodies, and vocals, and hip-hop drums - all of the R & B, it is absolutely accurate R & B-album. I note that I love pop music very much, just this time I decided to make something else. I am very grateful for the fact that my job is appreciated and respected, to be nominated for me in any case, "explained Bieber.

In the end, he noted: "I don't want you to think that I am not happy with the nomination. It's just my thoughts. Take them or pass by. "

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