Justin Bieber in the fourth time postponed the wedding due to mental health problems


The PEOPLE edition reported that Justin and Heille laid off the wedding ceremony in the fourth time. Anonymous source of the portal said: "They will still play a wedding, but now it is not their main goal. They did not appoint a new date of the ceremony, because they want to wait until Justin is better, and he will be happy to participate in planning. " Bieber and Baldwin signed in September 2018, but then it became known that the musician suffers from depression. According to the Western media data, Heili was the first to notice that something was wrong with Justin, and had supported him with the fight against the disease. The singer attended psychotherapy sessions and received religious consultations from the pastor of his church Hillson, but all to no avail.

Justin Bieber in the fourth time postponed the wedding due to mental health problems 109171_1

Justin Bieber in the fourth time postponed the wedding due to mental health problems 109171_2

According to People, the ceremony should have taken place this month, on the birthday of Justin, but the celebration was transferred. The TMZ portal insider said that "first the spouses wanted to assign a new date, but then they decided not to hurry, because they are already married." Now the lovers want to thoroughly approach the planning process and do not rush.

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