Stanley Tucci pleased Emily Blunt and John Krasinsky cocktail with vodka


Stanley Tucci posted on their page in Instagram video on which he did a special Christmas cocktail. And helped him in creating a festive drink Emily Blante, her husband John Krasinsky and the wife of actor Felicity Blante, who shot this video.

On video, Tucci announces network users, that he intends to create a special cocktail called "Christmas Cosmos". The star warned that in his version he "is slightly different from the usual" Cosmo ", because instead of Lime juice contains grenade juice."

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Stanley's cocktail also added a liquor with a taste of orange, vodka, cranberry juice and ice, and his assistants, whom he called the elves, took up the decoration of the beverage glasses. But it turned out that Krasidski so enthusiastically watched the process of creating a cocktail, which at this time ate all pomegranate grains.

And Emily and John jicely accused Stanley that he made them fit the holiday, and therefore they put the caps of Santa Claus and tied to the neck of Mishuur, and the actor himself looked very elegant in a classic stylish costume.

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In the end, the family began to tasting a cocktail, and his author proclaimed a toast in the spirit of time: "Stay safe and enjoy!".

It is worth noting that during the Pandemic Coronavirus Stanley Tucci turned into a real wizard in terms of cooking cocktails. In the spring of this year, he told and showed fans how to make a drink "Negrozy". This video has become viral, so actor interested users with his own recipe.

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