Emily Blut told about his personal life with John Krasinsky on self-insulation with children


Emily Blunt and John Krasinski have been married for 10 years and raise two daughters: six-year-old Hazel and a four-year-old Violet. In a new interview, PEOPLE Emily told a little about his family life during quarantine.

Especially the actress noted a trust relationship with his spouse. "John's support is all for me. We are proxies of each other. What we understand each other has always been a very important point for me, "BLANT shared.

Caring for children during universal self-insulation, according to Emily, became for them with John rescue circle. "Being with babies during a pandemic is a saving grace. Your task is to protect them and make that their life remains joyful. This undoubtedly gave a great meaning of our sense with John Life during a Pandemic, "the actress noted.

Earlier this year, Emily told how she moved to her husband in the United States from his native Britain. "I bought a house in London and was going to live there with my sister. I did not even consider moving to the United States, but then I realized that more and more of my things were at home at John. Over time, I realized that I actually live in America. It seems to me that this is the best way to move: gradually transport things, and not declare on the threshold with all suitcases immediately, "said Emily, who in 2015 officially became a citizen of America.

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A year ago, the family moved to New York, to the Brooklyn Heights area, where Adam Driver and Matt Damon live next door to them. "There people do not interest celebrities. No one has time nor the desire to stare on you or approach you on the street. You can walk anywhere - in a supermarket, dry cleaning, to school for children. The car is not needed here. I would love to live in London, but it really is also good, "the Blanman shared in an interview.

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