Director "Avengers: Final" Announced Fans by decision to kill Tony Stark from personal hostility


According to some Twitter users, the director told the director about their dislike about one of the evening shows: "Frankly. When I first heard, as Stark says "Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthrop" in the "Avengers", I already decided that he would die in the "final". I know that many love him. But not me. He must disappear. "


The outrageous fans of the Iron man collapsed on the director with criticism, and the head of Marvel Studios Kevin Faigi criticized the selection of directories. In the end, Rousseau's brothers had to explain that the quotation was not more than whose stupid fiction.

"Clear the moment: this quote is absolutely fake. This is an obvious not true and complete nonsense. In fact, I wanted to kill Tony in the "confrontation", "the director explained. True, it was better from this joke, and users came to anger from Hashteg # killtonist. "You think you are funny, but no one laughs", "You are the worst directors in MSU and have no respect for the characters," "I am not at home to mock on fans," the fans complained.

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