Kate Moss in the magazine Vanity Fair. December 2012


About relationships with paparazzi : "Now I just wear black jeans. Or gray. If you change your image every day, they begin to wait for the next and arrange a real hunt for you. And if you wear the same thing, it becomes boring, and they leave you alone. "

About your novel with Johnny Depp : "I never met someone who was ready to really take care of me. And Johnny tried. I believed in what he said. For example, I asked: "What did I do?" And he explained to me. This is what I missed when we broke up. I really lost someone who could trust. Nightmare. Whole years tears. Oh, these tears. "

About the beginning of his career : "At the age of 17-18, I had a nervous breakdown. At that time, when I had to work with the Marky Mark and Herb Ritz. I was not my own. I felt very bad surrounded by all these double males. And I did not like it. I could not get out of bed for two weeks. I thought I would die. I went to the doctor, and he said: "I will write you a little Valium." And Francesca Sorrenti, thank God, objected: "You will not take it." It was just fear. No one is interested in your mental state. I experienced a huge pressure due to what I had to do. I was just a little girl, and I was already preparing to work with Stephen Messel. It was so strange - a limousine took me from work. I did not like it. But it was a job, and I had to do it. "

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