"I was shocked": Reese Witherspoon remembered the reaction to Harvigate in a new photo ticket for Vogue


"I felt like most people who were shocked by what was in complete ignorance. There were rumors, but I didn't believe them, I also tell a lot of things about me. I try never to judge people on someone's speculation. Therefore, I could not even imagine that it would be true, "says Reese Witherspoon.

Later, the actress publicly condemned the producer and joined the Metoo movement organized to support women who survived sexual violence. It should be noted that at the age of 16 years, the sama itself was sexually harassment on the set - so it does not know about the difficulties of female actresses and is fighting for equality in Hollywood for many years, insisting that in good cinema there should be more major women's roles:

"The idea is simple - you need to put women in the center of the narration. I'm tired of playing in films, where I was the only main actress. I was sick of scenarios, where one main female role is prescribed, and even a nicudient. At the same time, each actress in the city wanted to get her, because there was nothing else. "

With his persistence, Witherspoon made a revolution in Hollywood - recently produce projects in which actresses are severe and bright roles. To take at least a recently released mini-series "Big little lie", in it, as a time played Reese. Its equal partners in the set became Nicole Kidman, Sheilly Woodley, Zoe Kravitz and Laura Dern. In the second season, the show producers raise the bar, the Maryl Streep itself will join the original castle.

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