Photo: Happy Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo captured in New York


42-year-old Katie Holmes and her 33-year-old boyfriend Emilio Vitolo together celebrated Christmas. Now lovers continue to relax on the winter weekend and are preparing for a new year meeting. On December 29, a couple noticed journalists on a romantic walk through New York.

Photo: Happy Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo captured in New York 109584_1

Reporters proceeded for Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo and installed their walking route. At first, the lovers went through the fashionable quarter Greenwich-Village, after which they went to Washington Square Park. There, the couple was unfortunately stopped to take a picture decorated with Christmas lights. After that, in the raised mood of Katie and Emilio, they went to dinner into a French restaurant, which is located nearby.

Photo: Happy Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo captured in New York 109584_2

Photo: Happy Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo captured in New York 109584_3

Recall, a few days ago, Vitolo admitted Holmes in love. That day Katie celebrated his birthday. Emilio in honor of this published in his Instagram their joint shot, which accompanied by a touching signature.

"The most amazing, kind and handsome man! Every time I see your face, I immediately wake up in a smile. Happy Birthday! I love you! ", I wrote Emilio.

Katie Holmes replied to this recognition. She wrote in the comments that he also loves Vitolo.

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