Katie Holmes on the cover of the Oktyabrsky number MARIE CLAIRE


The actress admitted that he was trying to raise her daughter as her mother was brought up.

"Despite the fact that we travel a lot, Suri has our own schedule, which we never break. She has his own duties, she performs work around the house. I think it is very important. Every day she fills her bed every day. , refers dirty dishes in the sink, decides its things on the cabinets. We spend a lot of time together, invent the dresses of the cookies, plant flowers in the garden. "

In response to rumors about their pregnancy Katie Holmes asks for "to press horses."

"There must be for a while. Before we give Suri Brika or sister. Maybe, after a couple of years, but for now I want to give all myself only Suri.

To the question of what it is to be Mrs. Tom Cruise, Katie replied: "It's awesome! Houses are the same as on the set. It is very ardent and expressive, and so applies to everything that does. When he became a father, he all dedicated his daughter . Suri inspires him, and this is wonderful. We have an amazing life, and we always remind each other, what are we incredibly happy. "

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