An interview with Kristen Stewart in Marie Claire. Australia. October 2010.


"I grew up in this environment, so this attention does not surprise me, however, it suppresses," says Kristen Stewart, who in 2001 received a role in the film "Security of Things", after the agent noticed her in elementary school. "I like the acting and I am very grateful to the" Twilight "for the new features that this film provided me. But honestly, I don't attract me at all to be a camera pursued by infinite flashes." And do not torment it with all these conversations about romance. The last part of the twilight saga "Eclipse", only strengthened the hysteria around her relationship with a partner in the film Robert Pattinson. "So that I do not say it will not change anything. I'm not going to comment on it." The opposite role will never hurt. And, that may be better therapy from all fears than not by the role of Joan Jett in the Bayopic "The Runaways", or even more causing the role of a young stripper in "Welcome to Riley" (world premiere of this fall, in the meantime from the film festivals one praise ).

- Are you tired of all this high attention related to films?

It is hard to talk about it and not make a negative impression, everyone will seem to me that I complain. I love the case that I do - I enjoy this process. But you are helpless when you can't do those things to whom you are used to, without the attention of a huge crowd of people. I was well acquainted with the world of cinema, even before I had a chance to shoot in movies, so I was not shocked. I just, I would not want to worry about where I can just go and not be pursued. Sometimes, I spend all the time at the hotel while I am filming in the film or while I go to the events dedicated to them. It annoys.

- Is it important for you to take part in other projects, between filming films of twilight saga?

I like to work. And I never build big plans, at the expense of everything that concerns my career. I'm just instinctively, I choose projects. I was very interested in filming "The Runaways" and play a strong personality. In all other films in which I starred, everything was really important for me. Instead of looking for the roles that would make my career dizzy, I tried to find characters that were like me. I will never play those who do not like me.

- What do you think you'd never start to understand why the public fascinated the history of twilight?

I think everyone may have such a tense personal situation, everyone can experience such strong feelings that Bella is experiencing. Everything that happens between her and Edward, Bella and Jekob. These are very heavy and personal stories that develop against the background of complete madness, and the dangers that surrounds them. Therefore, it is so amazing. Most people may experience such feelings and in their own life, and, of course, this is an incredibly exotic story, against which the world threatens the danger.

- You often appear on red tracks and various premiums. Is it difficult to choose the image and find a suitable beautiful dress?

I am not worried about the clothes, you must always wear what you are comfortable, then you will look great. I am not very interested in fashion and I do not think that I have some sophisticated tastes. Honestly, I don't really like to be photographed, so on numerous photo shoots I do not feel quite relaxed, but I think that I gradually get used to and leak.

- Something from famous directorists said that you know how to correct from any Brehni ...

I do not want to make an erroneous impression of myself and I am always like that. I think I can be very serious sometimes, and very tense, very passionate work, but it is natural for me.

- Why are you sometimes nervous in public or on television shows?

I am such a person that I do not like to be the focus of attention, in various circumstances. Of course, I like that fans are so grateful to us and that they really feel great love for the twilight saga. I am very glad to be part of this, but it scares. I, especially, not interested in anything in life, except for my work, so, when I talk about myself, I feel, indeed, strange. I look very frightened, nervous - when, in fact, I don't want to look very serious in conversations about my work, or dissatisfied with the attention, which comes along with the work.

- What do you say about different shows and ceremonies, where are the awards award?

I have a few unsuccessful experiences with this, I even dropped the reward. I am clumsy and if it doesn't stumbled for a long time, then I will definitely drop something. In fact, I really need to be able to relax!

- As far as close, you get acquainted with the script when you choose it, and with a character you, then, to play?

There are a number of things that attract in the script. Not that you would like to just experience this experience on yourself, sometimes, it happens thematically. But this is not your job, the people with whom you work are doing this, but you must be sure that you are posted on full. If we consider from the creative acting, you can even add something from yourself, it is very good for the actor.

- You are now 20 years old. What do you think about everything happened to you?

I'm happy. I feel now myself where there is my place, I try to work harder and stubbornly over the films in which I like to act. So far, I do not know what I can still do except for filming. True, for complete happiness I would like the photographers to stop their daily hunting for me.

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