Forced: Evgeny Petrosyan spends millions of rubles for Elena Stepanenko


Recall that the marriage of Petrosyan and Stepanenko lasted over 30 years, but at the end of last year the couple decided to part. However, it was not possible to share the jointly paid property, assessed by 1.5 billion rubles, they could not - had to go to court, which imposed an arrest on the artist's accounts. Such injustice was pretty spoiled by the health of the elderly humorist: according to his lawyer Sergei Zhorin, Evgeny Vaganovich was forced to give hundreds of thousand rubles for the elite apartments of 516 square meters, in which Stepanenko currently lives. Elena categorically refuses to pay for a luxurious apartment, but also not going out of it.

Forced: Evgeny Petrosyan spends millions of rubles for Elena Stepanenko 109710_1

Zhorin also added that Petrosyan regularly pays utility services for other objects belonging to Stepanenko personally. It is not difficult to guess that the former participant of "Anshlag" specifically spoils the life of Petrosyan, who quit it for the sake of the young assistant Tatiana Bruchunova. It is noteworthy that relations with Tatiana in Evgeny Vaganovich began in 2013. Probably, the then Stepanenko did not give the meaning of her husband's intrigues. But after the humorist stopped hiding his mistress and offered to divorce, the real fear of losing a huge joint state.

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