Media: the star of the "Games of the Thrones" Sophie Turner is pregnant from Joe Jonas


The couple tries to keep it secret, but their friends and family are already knowing, and very happy for them. Sophie diligently chose outfits on the carpet, now she has to adapt to the changing body of the future mommy,

- Quotes the insider edition. Under the suggestion of the source, the actress is about the fourth month of pregnancy. They say, a couple recently seen in the restaurant, and Sophie "already looks like a pregnant."

Media: the star of the

Media: the star of the

Representatives of Turner and Jonas refused to comment on the personal life of the actress and singer.

Recall, Joe and Sophie began to meet in 2016. A year later, they announced the engagement, and in May 2019 got married in Las Vegas. A month after the registration of the relationship, the pair arranged the second wedding ceremony in France in Chateau Martinet. After the holiday, the newlyweds flew into the Maldives where he had a honeymoon.

Media: the star of the

In one of the interviews, the star "Games of Thrones" admitted that "was ready to remain lonely until the end of the life," until Jonas met. Sophie said that it still does not believe that he married at 20 years. The actress noted that her chosen one "loves her more than himself" - according to Turner, this is the secret of the marriage relationship.

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