Mill Yovovich for the third time became mom: photos and details


Today Mill Yovovich became a mom for the third time. 44-year-old actress gave birth to a girl called Ozian. Unlike many star mammies, Mill immediately showed a newborn on a married photo made right in the House of Roadom. The first news was shared by the eldest daughter actresses.

Welcome to the world, my new sister Ozian. We love you!

- She wrote in microblog.

Mill Yovovich for the third time became mom: photos and details 109933_1

About the third pregnancy Yovovich reported in August last year. She told subscribers that she did not want to report for a long time, because "afraid to be attached to the child ahead of time." A few years before, Mill on the recommendation of the doctors had to take an abortion on the fifth month, she worried that the situation would repeat.

I am very grateful for the fact that I could become pregnant, especially in my age. I thank God every day for that,

- told the actress in Instagram.

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For a couple of weeks before the birth, Yovovich shared with subscribers "the difficulties of the last month of pregnancy".

I just have elephant ankles, a spin hurts, hips hurt, run to the toilet every 15 minutes. And sleep? I have already forgotten about sleep. And if the child is shrieking, like our older, we are not a few years old. But well, so far I can practice stretching, go to the gym and at least I will simply be able to pull my socks without turning from the load, I will carry everything,

- wrote Mill.

Recall, Yovovich raises two more daughters - four-year-old Dashiel Eddan and 12-year-old Ever Gabo. Since 2009, Mill has been married to the director of Paul Anderson, with which before that there was almost seven years.

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