Louis Tomlinson called the present reason for the cessation of friendship with Zayn Malik


Louis Tomlinson took part in the podcast "Interview with Dan Vutton" and described in more detail about why he stopped friendly relations with Zayn Malik. "In truth, they never became better. After I lost my mother, we came with the guys, and they all agreed to come to my performance. But not he, and it really upset me, "Louis admitted. According to him, that night he saw Niall, Harry and Liam, and that's all he needed then - their support. Tomlinson expressed the hope that Malik was fine, but no longer wanted to talk about him.

Louis Tomlinson called the present reason for the cessation of friendship with Zayn Malik 109984_1

After the death of Mother, the musician had to take responsibility for the whole family. "Since I am the oldest, more duties fall on me, but it makes me move forward, really helps me to be more resolute and pass through all the trials," Tomlinson told. As for the long-awaited reunion of One Direction, Louis believes that it is unlikely to happen. Now each of the participants is working on a solo career, and Harry Stiles is engaged in his own tv on television at all. However, if such an opportunity appears, then, according to Tomlinson, he will "be the first one who will sign on it."

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