Olga Kurilenko in the journal Nylon Guys. May 2012.


That she doesn't like the role of sexual beauties : "Oh, I do not want such roles. This is an amplua, from which I try to stay away. It's too easy. People often associate me with such roles, and I do not want to get stuck in them. "

About how she tried to start a career in the USA : "I think if it were so simple, I would not have achieved so much. When I search for an American agent came to one in New York, he said: "No, you are not interested." I objected: "But I have the main role in the French film [" Finger of Love "]". And that guy replied: "We do not watch French films. We do not care. Start from the lessons of acting skills, and then you can return. " I left and thought that one day they would call me. They called. And I refused. "

About working with director Terrence Malik : "It was the best experience in my life. His work style is fully suitable for me. He really trusts you. Whatever you do, it's not a mistake. Because it is your vision. You become your character. No fakes, no game - everything is truly. "

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