"It is immediately clear that Vlad happy": Family video Topalova and Todorenko rated on the network


Regina Todorenko and Vlad Topalov are now resting at the Indonesian island with her son. The TV presenter went to Bali with her son a little earlier, and the singer then joined them.

Recently, the 30-year-old Star of the "Eagle and Rusk" program published a video where she teaches his son to distinguish colors on the traffic light. Todorenko put three glasses with juice of different colors in front of a two-year-old Mikhail. The boy who was sitting on his knees from his star father, called them. "Almost every meal we turn into the game, colored vegetables, fruits, especially help. They always look attractive, "the famous mother shared the experience.

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According to Regina, the improvised traffic light for his son came up with top balls. Todorrenko asked questions to a child, to which light can go, and what we stand. After the "exam" she issued a verdict: "Well, everything, the rules of the road learned, you can buy a car or bike," the TV presenter joked.

All this time, while Regina robbed with the child, Vlad with a monya looked at him and smiled. The fans immediately drew attention to the fact that the singer on this video looks very happy. "It is immediately clear that Vlad happy", "how lucky Vlad with such a beautiful wife, happiness to your family," "such a wonderful family," - the heat commented on the publication of Todorenko Folloviers.

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