Video: Kinoproby Tom Holland on the role of a spider person in the "First Avenger: confrontation"


It is already difficult to imagine a spider person in the filmmaker Marvel played not Tom Holland, but someone else. But at one time Holland had a chance to withstand a serious competition to get the role of Peter Parker. Now in the network, archival frames have become available with Holland samples, who the actor sent to the Marvel Studios office in the hope of joining the avengers. Recall that Holland debuted in the image of a person-spider in the film 2016 "First Avenger: confrontation".

Every time you need to choose an actor to such a major role as a spiderman, it is brought to deal with a huge number of applicants. [Casting director Marvel Studios] Sarah Finn and her team viewed more than 7,500 video recordings,

- says the executive producer of "Man-Spider: Return home" Eric Carroll.

Marvel bosses add that among the candidates there were many talented actors, but it was Holland that it seemed to them special. As it became clear over time, the professional flair did not let down, because Holland immediately fits in the star cast "Avengers" headed by Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans. Subsequently, Peter Parker performed by Hollands received two solo films that became hire hits. Soon, shooting "Man-Spider 3" should begin. Release paintings is scheduled for December 2022.

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