Concept-art "First Avenger: Another War" showed an alternative image of a winter soldier


The leading artist Marvel Studios Ryan Mainering shared on his page in Instagram preliminary concept art for the film "First Avenger: Another War", which came out in 2014. The picture captures superhero Baks Barnes / Winter soldiers, who played Sebastian Stan in the film marvel.

As you can see, initially the creators planned to equip the winter soldier with a black mask with glasses, which would give the hero similarity with cyborg. As a result, however, they refused from this idea. It is worth a recognition that Baks Barks in the "Other War" looks quite frighteningly and without this additional accessory.

It should be noted that the second solo film about Steve Rogers / Captain America performed by Chris Evans became a lot of turning point for the plot arch of Barnes Baku within the framework of the filmmoven Marvel. In this picture, it turned out that the hero had fallen was resurrected and was recruited by the terrorist organization "Hydra". Because of this, Steve Rogers had to join the battle with his best friend who suffers from memory loss. Subsequently, the tanks still came to himself and returned to the side of good.

In the near future, the mini-series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" must start at Disney +, who will tell about the further adventures of Barnes tanks and his partner Sam Wilson (Anthony Maki). Recall that after the resignation of Steve Rogers, it was Sam who became a new captain America.

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