Jared Padalekia and Misha Collins thanked the fan of "supernatural" for the fight against coronavirus


Coronavirus pandemic rallied people around the world, and especially this is noticeable thanks to the closer communication of stars and their fans. The actors "Supernatural" have repeatedly called on subscribers to remain safe and at home and could not stay aside when he who faces the disease face to face every day.

Jared Padalekia and Misha Collins thanked the fan of

It all started with the fact that the fan of the series Eric Tyere published a photo on Twitter on which it is depicted in his usual medical form, and his mask complements the drawing in the form of a star - the protective tattoo of the Winchester brothers. Eric clarified Misha Collins (Castiel), Jared Padaleki (Sam) and Jensen Ekls (Dean), "Whether this mask will save from demons and covid," and rather quickly received the answer.

We take on the demons, and you fight Coronavirus,

- Posted Misha, and also thanked Tyra for his help in confronting the disease. Near the colleague and Jared, who noticed that while "someone plays the hero, the other is the hero."

Thank you for all my heart that you keep the defense!

- Posted actor.

Jensen Fanata did not respond, but, judging by the fact that for the last time he looked at Twitter at the end of March, he now has more important things. And you should not doubt that the gratitude of colleagues is fully divided.

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