Billy Alish about bullying in the network: "The greater you do something, the more you hate"


Recently, Billy Alish gave an interview with BBC, which admitted that after the Grand Victory on the Grammy, the Internet trolls were attacked. Therefore, the star decided that no longer read comments on social networks.

It breaks life. I stopped reading whatever you write, just a couple of days ago. Now I will not read comments at all

- said Billy.

Billy Alish about bullying in the network:

Recall, 18-year-old Alish became the most discussed star of the recently held Prize "Grammy". She won awards in five of six categories to which it nominated: "Song of the Year", "Best New Contractor", "Record Year", "Album of the Year" and "The Best Vocal Pop Album". At the same time, Billy became the most young performer who received the Grammy.

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The triumph of the singer, according to her, glanced her haters even more, although they used to Donimali Billy.

Now it has become much worse. It's strange: the greater becomes what you are doing, the more you hate. Madness is some. It's just a bunch of trolls. But the problem is that they write really funny things. That's the problem. They want to wash the people. And they succeed, so they continue. They will say anything, if only it became ridiculous. I took this: when it was younger, I also said anything, just to wash the surrounding, but later I realized that I sometimes said too much,

- Billy shared.

Previously, the singer complained that she was cospyred. Some bloggers dressed in Billy style - in bright baggy outfits, painted hair in green, put on big sunglasses - and in this form went to public places. Some passersby took jokers for Billy.

Please stop it. It is unsafe for you and dishonest to people. Because of you I look stupid

- appealed to users of Isilish.

Billy Alish about bullying in the network:

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