Tom Holland arranged a surprise on an interview to Chis Of Prett


The other day, Chris Prett was a guest of Shaw Jimmy Kimmel. After communicating with the actor, the lead addressed the public and asked if someone had questions to Chris. From the auditorium, Solland rose unexpectedly for everyone. He presented himself simply, and the audience enthusiastically coplen.

I have a question to Mr. Chris Prettu: Who is your favorite actor from all actors in the world?

- said in the microphone Tov, showing his finger on himself.

Tom Holland arranged a surprise on an interview to Chis Of Prett 110822_1

Chris: Of all the actors in the world? Denzel Washington. He is very cool.

Tom: Well ... I also like it. Maybe there is a favorite actor who is called Tom?

Chris: Hmm ... Tom Cruise!

Tom: Yes, it is also good ... maybe so: Tom with the surname to the letter "x"?

Chris: Tom Hanks!

Tom Holland arranged a surprise on an interview to Chis Of Prett 110822_2

Tom: No, you need to be a British actor. Come on, British actor named Volume Tom with the surname to "x"?

Chris: I realized what you would lead to. Then Tom Hardy.

Tom: And if younger?

Chris: ... Hiddleston!

The dialogue of the actors laid the hall, and after Hiddleston, Holland surrendered. The presenter invited Tom to descend to him with Chris, and he eagerly agreed.

Recall, now Chris Prett and Tom Holland together represent the cartoon "forward" (onward), the premiere of which is scheduled for March 5.

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