"Twilight" forced Robert Pattinson to ask for help to psychoanalyst


"Almost all of my friends who became famous - perfect psychos. Isolation, constant repetition of the same in communicating with people ... These are strange sensations, "Pattinson is recognized.

"I was lucky - from the very beginning I had good agents and very good friends. How dangerous when you do not have friends and you think: "Oh, if unfamiliar people will love me, it will help fill the emptiness." And then, when it is expected not helps, go crazy 10 times more. I try, nobody seen me between shooting films. And then the only thing that the audience knows about me is that I myself agree to show. The whole thing in control. If you take control over your own life, you begin to go crazy a little. "

At some point, something similar happened to the Pattinson himself: "I was very nervous literally for each occasion," he recalls, which led to the "kind of paralysis - I could not make any decisions at all."

Then Robert decided to ask for help to psychoanalyst, and when his parents found out, they, according to the actor, were "literally in horror." "And I thought," Why is it so bad? " These are just strange prejudices. "

Now, Robert is rarely resorted to Psychotherapy sessions, but still sometimes goes to his psychoanalyst:

"I just like my psychoanalyst very much ... You are trying to figure out what you feel in some particular situation. I made a lot from these sessions ... I do not know how without something like this in general it is supposed to deal with my life. "

Finally, Pattinson with humor commented on the tweets of Donald Trump of 5-year old ago about Robstin (we will remind, after it became known about the novel of Kristen Stewart with director Rupert Sanders, Donald Trump is very emotionally and rudely reacted to it in his Twitter):

"This is strange. I did not really notice so long ago that he was "cleaned up" his twitter and deleted all those tweets! And I am like, hey, dude, what are you trying to smell on me with your hand? What happened? I am part of your life! "

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