The plot "Avengers: the war of infinity" appeared on the net


The film begins with the scene, which was shown in the post-titt stage "Thor: Ragnaret" - the ship with Asgardians in space meets the ship Tanos, the sanctuary 2. Loki is trying to push his life from Tanosa, offering in the exchange of Tessrakt, and Tore and Hulk fight black Order so that the rest of the Asgardians can escape.

As a result, they lose, and the Thor turns out to be in the open space, where it faces the guards of the Galaxy and, together with a hand and a rocket, it is sent to search for a new weapon - an ax-rocket. In some "cosmic blacksmiths", with the help of a stone of infinity, the Tore creates an ax, whose particle becomes a particle (formerly participants in the film crew: the war of infinity "hinted that a new friend will appear in the film - it looks like a torus) .

Black Panther, Black Widow and Captain America will have to protect against the invasion of the Tanosa minions, a black order, a curb, where the CEP is after the events "First Avenger: confrontation", and fight with Corvus Glawehma and his infringement. Shuri manages to remove the endless stone that controls the mind, from the head of Vizhn.

In Sanctum, sanctuor is also a battle - Cull Obsidian and Ebony MO attack, and Spiderman, Dr. Strøndzh and Iron Man give them a repulsory, protecting the stone stored in Sanctum.

Members of the Guardians of the Galaxy are converged in the battle with Tanos - Star Lord and Gamora, and helps them an iron man.

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