Top 10 actresses that refuse to shoot in nude scenes


Emma Watson

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From adolescent years dreamed of seeing what Hermione under the mantle? Dream further: Emma Watson after the completion of Harry Potter has already managed to play in many more "adult" films, but in the "adults" scenes not going to appear - which is surprising, from respect for fans and Hermione. "I don't want everyone to forget me as Hermione. I am very proud of her, "Somehow said Emma.

Megan Fox

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Thanks to the shooting in the "Transformers" franchise, Megan Fox not only acquired by world fame, but began to get into all sorts of list of the sexiest actresses of the world. Megan's herself, however, for all his careers, he had never been filmed in the film naked - and even confessed in an interview that he could not imagine what it was about to participate in frank scenes. In an interview with MTV News, Megan Fox somehow emphasized: "The last thing I want to see is how I look like, having sex." Megan admitted that she seemed to her, after such a spectacle, it would never be able to have sex at all - presenting in the process what saw on the screen.

Jessica Alba

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Like Megan Fox, Jessica Alba at one time regularly fell in all sorts of ratings of the sexiest actresses of the world - especially after filming in the "fantastic four" and the "city of sins". However, throughout his career, Jessica never appeared on the screen nude. From the very beginning, Alba included a special item in his contract, according to which the actress had the right to refuse to remove nude. Jessica, according to her own words, perfectly understood that such categoricalness could cost her roles, but this item in a contract never broke out for all past years. On the question of Glamor journalists, why she refuses to take off nude, Jessica Alba replied very simple - "I don't want my grandfather and grandmother to see my chest."

Anna Kendrick

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Anna Kendrick, who gained fame first thanks to the "twilight", and then thanks to another franchise - "perfect voice," is completely calmly relate to the fact that her colleagues are naked on the screen. However, Anna herself follows their example is not going. For example, not such a long-standing comedy "Wedding Ear" for filming the frank scenes with the heroine of Anna Kendrick, the director had to give her a dublersh. "The actress can be taken seriously, even if she does not shoot clothes," Kendrick sure.

Kristina Hendrix

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World famous came to Christine Hendrix after her appearance in the popular TV series "Madness". Not least, the actress was noticed precisely because of it a non-standard figure with enough magnificent forms. And although the compliments regarding his figure of Christina Hendrix receives regularly, it refuses fundamentally - the actress equally regularly emphasizes that he wants the audience to appreciate her acting game, and not her body.

Ayla Fisher

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Although Ayly Fisher's fans will surely remember a few fairly frank scenes with the actress (for example, the scene in the comedy "Uninvited guests"), in fact she never undressed for the role. To remove the stage in which Isil's heroine is engaged in sex with the hero of Vince Won, the creators of the film hired for the actress Dublersh. The naked Fisher in an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald has somehow substantiated the Sydney Morning Herald interviewed, saying that the comedy and the "nidget" are not combined with each other: "It seems to me if you allow the audience to see the nipples of a female comedian character, he is already It will not be funny - this is the theory, that's why I don't want to do this. "

Julia Roberts

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Back in 9x Julia Roberts, who had recently celebrated the fifty-year-old anniversary, swore that would never be filmed into the cinema naked - and this promise the star of "Beauty" was kept, although, for example, in that very "beauty" there are several fairly frank scenes with her Heroine. However, in fact, the audience in the "beauty" show Dublersh Julia Roberts, and not at all her. Julia Roberts throughout his rich in the role of his career was sure that "playing dressed is art. Play spread is a documentary. "

Blake Lively

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Blake Lively is one of those rare actresses, which, after completing the filming, a popular TV series manage to "move" to a large screen. After the completion of his TV series "Gossip" Blake Liveli quite successfully builds a career in Hollywood, and for this she does not have to undress - the actress believes that the naked scenes in films are only distracted by the viewer, and does not like the roles, when they offer roles. The fans of the actress will be able to remember that Blake appeared almost naked in his film "Particularly dangerous" - and just after filming in this picture, Liveli gave itself a promise nudy no longer to act.

Emma Roberts

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The niece of the famous actress Julia Roberts, Emma Roberts has already managed to win the love of viewers thanks to the shooting in numerous TV shows, from the "American Horror History" to the "Korolev Creek" - and in the past few years, Emma is building a career and in the "big" movie. Over the years, Roberts has repeatedly been taken in underwear, but this is the maximum that the actress can afford. In an interview with W Magazine, Emma told that he doubted that someday would generally remove in the naked scene. It is quite clear that Emme Roberts wants to know her thanks to her talent - and not just like the nephew Julia Roberts, and even starring naked.

Mila Kunis

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As everyone knows everything perfectly, who at one time managed to watch the film "Sex on Friendship" with cute Kunis and Justin Timberlake, Mila is not shy to act in fairly frank films with many "adult" scenes and the same "adult" humor. However, without clothes, the actress itself see the fans in the fans do not work - in all the frank scenes, with the participation of Mila Cunis, her doublers were actually involved or, as in the film "in the span", Photoshop. In one of the interviews, Mila Kunis remembered how the producer once announced to her that if she would not agree to take off nude, she would never work in this city again. " To the credit of the actress, the words of the producer Mila did not be afraid - and continues to adhere to the rule to never undress on the screen.

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