Stars "Games of Thrones" will not show the script of the 8th season


In an interview with the Skavlan Talk Show, the star of the Games of the Thrones "Nikolai Koster-Waldau said that the process of filming 8 seasons would differ significantly from the actors worked earlier.

"In the first season, we, as usual, received a script, could delete it in advance, make the mark and all that. After a couple of years, the producers developed paranoia, because several leaks occurred, and we began to receive only digital copies of the script, in the PDF file, "says the artist of Jame Lanner.

"And then the hacker attack happened, so now we will not get the script at all. Now right before the shooting of the scene will tell us that, in fact, it happens, and we will immediately take off. We all have mini-headphones, through them our replicas will be transferred. "

It seems that with all innovations and security measures, the actors "Games of Thrones" to memorize their replicas before shooting will not have to be at all - it will have to learn to respond to "teams" in the headphone. The results of all this we will see no earlier than the end of 2018 or early 2019, when the final 6 episodes of the "Games of the Thrones" will still be on the ether.

It is worth noting that the Marvel studio adhered to such an approach, removing his most ambitious creation for almost 10 years - the coming superhero blockbuster "Avengers: the war of infinity." None of the marvel stars of the film did not really see the shooting script for all the time of filming, but at least a script pages intended directly for their characters.

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