Alarm clock or headphones? What are you gadgets?



Discussing the Kinoheroev, there could be a wonderful woman or, at worst, almost any character who played by Almighty Bruce Willis. But from gadgets you, sorry, blender. House, cozy, capable of facing the royal cake from the yolk and teaspoon. Skillful fingers!


Let me guess: Your Instagram is updated several times a day, and the motto "did not take a picture - did not sing"? Yes, you are a smartphone! Moreover, judging by daily skills, probably very good. Something like Huawei P10 is the one that is called a personal photo studio. Here, of course, Selfie, and the types of the night city, and the Vegetarian Fo-Bo from the new Vietnamese restaurant.


There are people who do not sit in place and in the day they have time to drive around the Polgorod, and the tickets to a new trip are bought from the previously endangered previous one. Admit, are you from such travelers? Then you, of course, the navigator. You have a present, look, already not needed, as all routes have long been studied, and you are not worse than the aborigines. Eh, all such abilities!


40 years ago, your ideal description would be a typewriter and volume of the Soviet Encyclopedia, but to not offend you with comparison with such rare items, we decided to take a laptop. In fact, the difference in this case is not very significant: you really know about many things and do not be lazy to write about it in social networks. As a result, you probably have many subscribers and day from day you are happy with new stories.


You are a vest man. Perhaps even a psychologist. People are used to contacting you to speak out, because you are an excellent listener: do not climb with tips and do not interrupt. It happens, you accept too close to the heart of other people's problems, but it passes after rebooting.


And this is the case of the opposite - you are so sociable person that is ready to talk all day absolutely with any interlocutors. In the world of professions, you would definitely find yourself in the animators! But in our selection you are the headphones, of which the day the bikes, jokes or, for example, creative work offers are sounded.

Fitness tracker

Sport is important. Point. You always assemble, always know exactly the routine of the day, as well as where to go, how much to go and how much time it will take it. You trace your environment to follow your health, it was fed only by organic products and did not forget about regular physical exertion. In general, you are the concentration itself, without which, as you know, do not live. Huawei Band 2 Pro tracker can now be released not only in red, black and blue color, but also, for example, with your photo on the screen.

Alarm clock

This is a separate category of people. A rare type that is not sitting in place - but not as a man-navigator, no! This is not looking for adventures, but simply considers it necessary to be something busy. He is not able to sit and admire the sea or listen to the singing of forest birds. "Alarm clock" - a man of business. If you listen to birds, then with a basket in advance. If you go to the beach, then dive with the pier and to skim off from its walls as many mussels as possible (or at least very high quality and technologically rose).

Game console

Not all boys and girls, growing, become serious and powerful. In the office, perhaps you will be able to spend someone, but your loved ones know: you will not get bored with you! On the weekend you will organize a pirate party, and in the week you can easily drag the family in the park to play the "Cossacks-Robbers". Children from you are delighted, because you know how to speak five different voices and build magic castles from the sheet and mops.

Virtual reality glasses

You are a wonderful storyteller. Any little, an interesting event is capable of telling that the listeners, the opening of the mouth, will feel the fear tested by you before the office of the dentist, and will "see" the bad shine in the right eye of the doctor. Later it turns out that the tooth was absolutely healthy and the story may not have meaning if any other person narrated her.

Center Smart House

Most likely, you are a mom or dad of an extensive family. Everyone goes to you with your quarrels, problems and dilemmas and all you can help a good word and advice. You will respond almost for all home events and are aware of all the clauses that your loved ones come into mind. Being a head of the family is not easy, but, agree, someone must fulfill such work!

Well, we listed seems to be all the main characteristics that connect people with the world of technology. Perhaps someone found themselves in the gaming console, and in a blender, and the other was immediately and a smartphone, and alarm clock. And who are you? Write in the comments!

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