Martin Scorsese called Rotten Tomatoes and his analogues "hostile" for cinematographers


In the column for The Hollywood Reporter, Martin Scorsese decided to turn to the problem of Rotten Tomatoes and the like sites:

"Like everyone else, I received my share and positive, and negative reviews," writes a Oscar-axis director. "Obviously, there is no pleasure in obtaining negative feedback, but their availability. However, in the past, when some of the film critics did not like some of my films, they reacted into a much more thoughtful manner, indicated the positions that were considered necessary to challenge. Over the past 20 years, a lot has changed in cinema. "

One of the main changes, at the glance view - the fact that today the attention of writing about the movie of journalists is concentrated exclusively at the cash collecting. "I'm afraid that the cash charges have become ... to everyone," writes the director. "Because of the cruel approach to journalism, the premiere weekend and its cash charges turned into a bloody sport, which, in turn, provoked an even more fierce approach to writing the reviews for films."

Online Rotten Tomatoes-type review aggregators, in the glance view, "have nothing to do with real film critics" and instead "give the film an assessment, as if it is a horse on jumps or some kind of institution in the ranking of the best restaurants." "Cinematographers are reduced to content producers, and viewers to its limited consumers."

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