Rose McGowen accuses Ben Affleck in the Complication of Harvey Weinstein


Rose, which suffered from Weinstein's harassment and subsequently agreed to take money from producer and not to file him to court, very emotionally responded to the comment by Ben, which he gave the other day about the story with Weinstein:

"I feel sadness and incredible anger due to the fact that the person with whom I worked, I used my position and my power to threaten, tools and manipulate the many women for decades. It is absolutely unacceptable, and I wonder what I can do so that this does not happen to others. We should better defend our sisters, our friends, colleagues and daughters. We must support those who revealed the truth, to clarify such disgusting behavior and provide more leadership positions to women. "

Rose McGowan argues that Ben knew perfectly about the "behind the scenes" of the producer activity of Weinstein, and publicly called the actor with a liar: "I want you to tell me in my face. Liar ".

Rose McGouen now twitter Rose McGouen is right - this is a field of media battle, and the actress over the past few days almost without stopping appeals to those who, in her opinion, was conning conning and covering the actions of Weinstein.

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