Hollywood stars against Harvey Weinstein: All you need to know about the loud scandal of the year


Who is Harvey Weinstein?

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The 65-year-old Harvey Weinstein is one of the most famous and influential producers of Hollywood, who founded along with Brother Bob his own production company The Weinstein Company and as a producer, who participated in the shooting of many cult paintings.

In his "service list" there are even two nominations for Oscar for the work of the producer - on the films of the "Gangs of New York" and "Shakespeare in love" (Oscar "for Shakespeare, Vinstein, along with other producers, received in the end). Vinstein performed by the producer of such films and franchises, how to "kill Bill", "The Lord of the Rings", "Aviator", "City of Sins", "Inchlastic bastards", "King says."

Of course, Weinstein is one of the richest representatives of Hollywood. For one year alone 2017, the films issued with the participation of The Weinstein Company were collected at all over 123 million, bringing millions and Harvey himself. Actually, the company, 25% of which belongs to Weestein, is estimated at $ 360 million. Even if Weinstein will lose everything in general, from reputation to office, he still will not work until the end of life, getting 3-4 million dollars of passive income per year.

The fact that Weinstein enjoys his influence and promotes the actress "in exchange" for intimate relationships, in Hollywood gradually turned into a secret of the Polysinel. In 2013, announcing the nominees to Oscar, Seth MacFarlene publicly joked to actress-nominees: "Congratulations to you, ladies, you no longer need to pretend that you like Harvey Weinstein."

And what, in fact, happened?

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October 5, 2017 The New York Times published an interview with Ashley Judd, in which she told about sexual harassment from Harvey Weinstein. After that, in the address of the producer almost every hour, all the new accusations from the affected, and the Hollywood stars began to share their own experience of interaction with the Opt Producer and publicly support those who decided to make accusations of his address.

According to New York Times, Weinstein abused his authority and position in society for three decades, regularly allowing himself sexual harassment. Over the years, the producer has entered into eight global agreements with women who accused him of unwanted physical contacts. One of them was Rose McGowan, the star "Enchanted".

A few days after the NEW York Times publishing, seeing that the scandal is gaining momentum, the Board of Directors The Weinstein Company publicly reported that the work of Harvey Weinstein with The Weinstein Company was stopped.

October 10 finally interrupted the silence of Georgina Chapman, the wife of Harvey Winestein (British designer and the founder of the Fashion Brand Marchesa). Georgina said that against the background of the charges of her husband in sexual harassment, decided to divorce (in marriage Weinstein and Chapman consisted of exactly 10 years since 2007).

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Winstein himself, meanwhile, said that his own brother, Bob, who allegedly conveyed information to New York Times, intentionally betrayed the scandal with sexual harassment, which was allegedly transferred to Harvey and get solely control over the company. Of course, Bob Weinstein reacted on charges immediately, calling Harvey "very sick man."

Accusations of rape

On October 10, another "bomb" broke into the media - Harvey Weinstein accused no longer only in sexual harassment, but in an even more severe crime, rape. The victims of the producer of steel, including actress Lucia Evans and Asia Argento. The relevant publication appeared in New Yorker, its author, Ronan Farrow, writes that he was told about this personally injured women.

Representatives of Weinstein said that the producer, "With all due to all due to women who made the charges in public, I am confident that all these relationships were by mutual agreement."

Celebrities that were injured from Action Weinstein

In fact, girls and women suffered from harassment by producer, of course, much more - several dozen.

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Rose McGowan: suffered when she was only 23 years old. The future star "Enchanted" in 1997 received 100 thousand dollars from Weinstein for keeping silence and will not give a producer to the court for harassment.

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Ashley Judd: two decades ago was invited by Weinstein to a working meeting in his room at the hotel, the producer met her in a bathrobe, and then offered either a massage to him, or join him in the shower. "I remember how I thought then - how can you get out of the room as soon as possible and at the same time not to scare the Harvey Weinstein?", I remembered the actress in the interview the Times.

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Asia Argento: suffered from Weinstein actions in 1997, when she was only 21 years old. The actress was in the producer room under the pretext of the party, but in the end there was no partin, and Weinstein could easily defeat the girl's resistance, actually having raped her. As Argento itself admits, at some point she stopped resisting and began to imitate pleasure - thinking that so all this horror will faster.

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Angelina Jolie: "I had a bad experience with Harvey Weinstein in my youth. As a result, I decided to never work with him anymore and warn others. Such behavior towards a woman in any industry and the country is unacceptable "

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Gwyneth Paltrow: suffered from the actions of the producer, when she was 22 years after he received a major role in the film "Emma". According to the actress, Harvey Weinstein appointed one of the working meetings in his room at the hotel, and it ended everything that he suggested Gwyneth to go to the bedroom for "massage". Paltrow told all Brad Pitt, with whom she met, he tried to deal with the producer, and in the end, Weinstein warned her so that she did not tell anyone about what happened.

Hollywood Star Reaction

Kevin Smith : "He financed the first 14 years of my career - and now I know that while I received a profit, the rest suffered. I am incredibly ashamed. "

Jessica Chestain : "I was warned from the very beginning. This was told everywhere. And deny it - it means to create a situation in which this can repeat again. "

George Clooney : "Unfortunately. This is probably the only word from which you can start. Harvey admitted his actions, and they are unforgivable. I knew Harvey 20 years. He gave me my breakthrough as an actor in "from the sunset to dawn," he gave me my breakthrough as a director in the "confessions of a dangerous person." We dined, chose to search for locations for filming, argued. But I can definitely say that nothing like this is what they blame, I have never seen - never. "

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Charlize Theron : "Women who have publicly told about their experience - real heroines, and, although I had no such experience with Harvey Weinstein, I, unfortunately, I can not say that I am surprised. Such practice has always existed, not only in Hollywood, but also around the world. And we cannot blame victims in any way. Many of the affected women were very young, just started in the chosen profession, and they had nothing to confront a person with such power. If they started talking, they would be silenced, and it would be the end of their career. "

Matt Damon : "Even before becoming a famous, I did not contribute to such behavior, and now, when I bring up four daughters, it leads me to horror. This is one of the greatest fears for any father ... I worked with Harvey over five or six films. I never noticed anything like this. Many say that we supposedly knew everything. It is not true".

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Ben Affleck : "I feel sadness and incredible anger due to the fact that the person with whom I worked, I used my position and my power to threaten, to increase and manipulate a lot of women for decades. It is absolutely unacceptable, and I wonder what I can do so that this does not happen to others. We should better defend our sisters, our friends, colleagues and daughters. We must support those who revealed the truth, to clarify such disgusting behavior and provide more leadership positions to women. "

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Jennifer Lawrence : "Hearing news about the actions of Harvey Weinstein, I came to horror. I worked with Harvey five years ago and personally did not come across any harassment, and also knew nothing about the like. Such violence is absolutely unacceptable and does not deserve any excuses. I fully support all women affected by these disgusting actions. And I want to thank them for the fact that they dare to reveal the truth. "

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