10 shameful roles that the stars Marvel would prefer to forget


Anthony Maki in the film "President Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"

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Anthony Maki showed himself well in the superhero film, but when it came to a combination of historical events and supernatural, the actor, unfortunately, was not commonplace. Already in the title of the film, the entire uncomplicated plot is revealed. Maki played a close friend of the main character (as he loved) - Willlama Johnson, who does not play a big role during history and not involved in many scenes. In real life, Johnson was the faithful friend of Lincoln and the companion, but Anthony Maki decided not to bother and simply "snapped" in the frame - but the only complexity seemed to come up with a shell question in the address "Vision" of Timur Bekmambetov, who spoke by the director.

Paul Radd in the film "Halloween 6: Curse of Michael Myers"

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In the filmography of Radda, there are no films! He tried on many roles for all his acting careers, but one of the most shames turned out to be his role in the horror movie "Halloween 6: the curse of Michael Myers," where the "ant man" played the grown Tommy Doyle. Perhaps it was the floor that he scored the final nail into the coffin cover "Halloween", because after this picture, the whole story was decided to rebutically. Radda did not cause any excitement or fear, so you can safely forget about this line in his filmography.

All you need to know about this role of floor, in 3 minutes:

Paul Bettany in the movie "Da Vinci Code"

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Did you find out the floor of Bettany Aka Vizhn in the role of Monk Silas in the movie "Code of Da Vinci", the film release of the Bestseller Dan Brown? We would prefer not to recognize. This in Marvel films Vihn - good-natured and ready to protect other superhero, and in the dreams of Ron Howard, he is a cold-blooded killer who wants to keep the mystery of the descendants of Jesus Christ and, in the name of concentrating concentration for this purpose, in leisurely engaged in self-knowledge. What do kids say - Vizhn fans?

We hope that the kids are not here - because here it is, the most disgusting scene with a floor from "Coda Vinci":

Sebastian Stan in the movie "Time Machine in Jacuzzi"

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This frame seems to hint that Stan himself does not even be delighted with the role;)

Sebastian Stan, in principle, does not boast a large number of serious filmmakers in his career, but the name of the film "Time Machine in Jacuzzi is even rich funny. Before Stan became the perfect tanks from the Marvel Universe, he had to revise the film "Back to the Future", remember who Biff, and play about the same thing in the comedy 2010. The whole of his role was to fight with one of the main heroes of the film. Why? Just because he is hooligan. Although wait, it seems, we have become better to understand the course of history with a winter soldier.

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10 shameful roles that the stars Marvel would prefer to forget 111509_6

Reliable, but fortunately, the rarest spectacle - Sebastian Stan in a turtleneck in scenes from the "Jacuzzi time machine":

Chris Prett in the film "War of Brides"

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This is in the "Guards of the Galaxy" Chris Prett - the dream of all the audience, a charming jacket and the main character, which conquering the lady of the heart, but it was not always. Remember this unpleasant boyfriend Ann Hateway in the film "War of Brides"? Yes, that very, named Flachercher, who first makes the heroine offer, and then takes it with his reproach? Yes, here he is, the same star Lord in all its glory. We are not sure that Prett himself is a big fan of this film (and we are not so definitely the fans of his weight in it):

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10 shameful roles that the stars Marvel would prefer to forget 111509_9

Mark Ruffalo in films "Mirror, Mirror 2" and "Mirror, Mirror 3"

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Have you watched three parts of the horror movie "Mirror, Mirror"? Not? And not much lost. Do not you think that in this paragraph there are too many words "mirror"? We agree, and in this world there are too many films with this name, which is unlikely to be proud of our favorite Mark Ruffalo. For some unknown reasons, the creators of these films managed to lure the brand to themselves, which in both films played different characters. You can only forgive it because these pictures fell on the very beginning of a career of the current Bunner Bruce.

Jeremy Renner in the movie "Witch Hunters"

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As Sheldon said from the "Theory of Big Explosion" - "Nobody will never mind shout" Help, Falconary Eye! "When there are all the rest of the avengers." Apparently, something in this way was suspected of Jeremy Renner, agreeing to the role in the Witch Hunters film, wanting to become the main character that struggle with evil. This funny attempt at the style of the fairy tale "Genel and the Gretaker" in the style of steampunk and fantastic horror was not crowned with any of her participants, and even Renner could not save her. Fortunately, the story with Sicvelly was quickly suiced.

Samuel L. Jackson in the film "Route Devil 3"

To scold Samuel L. Jackson - intentionally spoil the karma - why? But in kind to laugh at him we can still. Yes, and the actor himself loves a good humor, otherwise how to explain his participation in the film "Route Devil 3", where his character did not even have a name? Even though the third part of the "exorcist" completely ignores the events of the previous parts, it is not serious to look at it, and Cameo Jackson film also does not save. It is unlikely from hundreds of their roles the actor would call the role of a blind fellow.

In the film Samuel Tikhonechko sits with a wand against the background of a worn around Breda:

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Chris Evans in the film "Fantastic Four"

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You did not think that we would forget about the shameful screening of the "fantastic four" with Chris Evans? Perhaps the picture spoiled not Evans himself, but a bad scenario, and a couple of other actors. Fortunately, the second coming of Chris to the Marvel world was more successful - so much that even despite the Canon comic, he does not want to die and say goodbye to the role of captain of America. We are pleased with this facts, and more than this we are glad that he will not return to the role of Johnny Storm.

If you break off the Chris Evans, no sense in the film is not noticed - ingenious!

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Robert Downey Jr in the film "Lochmatic Dad"

We are people simple, hearing the name of Robert Downey Jr. - immediately go to the movies. But we committed a big mistake, looking at the film "Lohamatic Dad", where the Iron man is trying to study immortal dogs. Yes, yes, you read everything right. Immortal. Dogs. Understand why they are immortal. And there is Tim Allen. Which is almost a dog. And more about this film you know nothing. Well, how did you think, Tony Stark earned her millions?

On the grimacing Robert you can still watch almost infinitely:

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10 shameful roles that the stars Marvel would prefer to forget 111509_16
10 shameful roles that the stars Marvel would prefer to forget 111509_17
10 shameful roles that the stars Marvel would prefer to forget 111509_18
10 shameful roles that the stars Marvel would prefer to forget 111509_19

Trailer to try to understand what is happening here at all:

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