5 reasons why Kingsman: Golden Ring could not repeat the success of the original


Waiting of the audience

At the stage of announcement of the sequel, the audience incredibly bribed the fact that the director promised to return the original caster and increase the action. Well, caste he really retained, in the course of the play killing, sometimes quite an ax, one character after another. At first, Von very cheerfully introduces the viewer in the courage of the scene of the chase, shootouts, explosions, at the same time reporting who is there a bad guy, and here a few minutes later, all the databases of the Super Secret Agency Kingsman take off along with all his employees, and EGGSI is sent to the forefets And his charming peel. I want to ask how this very secret society was able to exist so many years if, if you wish, you can put it in consumption for 1 day?

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As for the American part of the journey of the main characters - here we were waiting for a beautiful casting in the face of Jeff Bridges, Holly Berry and Channing Tatum, but the trouble - put any other actors in their place, and nothing will change. None of these characters were clearly disclosed, so they are present there only for the sake of loud names on the bills. Channing, however, there are all chances of the third part, given the final frames "Kingsman: Golden Ring."

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All characters are dressed with a needle - the style of the film does not occupy, but we have already seen it in the first part of Kingsman and waited for something more. The filmmakers began a stunning intrigue in the question of returning the hero of Colin of the France, but the first trailers and videos immediately showed us the Gallaghad agent, which he became, and this intrigue was killed on the root.

Too much drama

The first buying tear waited for the audience after the first action scene. The very pug, who misted us all in the first part, was blown up with the other Eggsie, to whom we did not get used to. The ejerton hero's partner also dies - Agent Lanselot, she is Roxy, visiting the frame from the strength of minutes. Without a doubt, the director wanted to add more drama and epichptions to what is happening, as well as spin the plot towards the American agency, but it hovels somewhere between The pity of the viewer to the characters and the desire to see more "meat".

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At the end of the viewer, they finish the touching stage of farewell to Merlin, the character of Strong, and here, it should be noted, Matthew Von pulled immediately for all the threads of the human soul. The scene came out incredibly dramatic, bright, but was able to lose this wonderful character in favor of action?


Jokes in the second part of Kingsman are much more than in the first. This viewers were expected, but they were forgotten to warn that 90% of them will be in the style of the Police Academy or Austin Powers. Most world critics agree that the plot "Kingsman: The Golden Ring" is too oversaturated with a stupid humor and the desire of the scripts to skate to the slogan "deurmination and courage". Probably Matthew Won and wanted to make a little fool, but everything went too far. Especially clearly it can be seen from the moment of the appearance on the screens of Sir Elton John, who played himself. His share accounts for the lion's share of the film jokes, but for a considerable timing of the picture (almost 2.5 hours) it starts to tire.

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I would like to note that such an ambitious timekeeping picture does not repel the viewer - the creators of the film tried to fill it as much as possible with scenes with explosions, chains, shootings and other steep disassembly, in parallel having ridicule all the spy fighters of cinema. The love line of Eggsi and the Queen of Sweden could be quite easily finished on the final of the first part of the film, because their relationship does not look too convincing, and the final and at all seems stupid and indestructible at all.


The problem, similar to the heroes of Berry, Bridges and Tatum, has suffered both the main antagonist of the film in the face of Julianna Moore. Her villain turned out to be simply a pile psychopath, but not a cunning woman with a grandiose world enslavement plan. Her story and motifs are not quite clear, in addition to the top of the leg and the desire to be seen. Of course, the character of Samuel L Jackson also had a manic desire to erase most of the people from the face of the Earth, but for this there was at least some kind of idea, in addition to the "legalization of drugs." About the President of the United States and say nothing, since this character is different as a "asshole" and you won't call. All scenes with the president can be safely considered absolutely superfluous and in vain engaged in a timing.

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If you were impressed with the scene in the church from the first part, we have good news for you - elegant massacre in the second part. If you do not try to disassemble the film in pieces and not to comprehend each scene, then we have an excellent fighter with a pleasant caste, a bright picture and a large number of humor. But if you do not impress the jokes in the style "I will even allow you to go through the back door" from Elton John, then it is necessary to bypass theateams side. In general, Matthew Von could not jump above the head, creating the second Kingsman. He just repeated everything that was beautiful in the first part, and tried to multiply it for 10.

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