To the "Birthday" of the series "Gossip": for which we love the main characters


Serena van der Woodsen

Sunny girl and favorite surrounding - we know Serena van der Woodsen. And although she has repeatedly made serious mistakes in life, as a result, the heroine sought to enter the conscience. Recall, for example, an episode with repentance of Serena after the death of her friend-addict or the desire to help himself, agreeing on the treatment in the rehabilitation center. Serena has been looking for many years since the sole man and ultimately realized that her prince was all the time near. We love Serena for her optimism, faith in people and sincere love for their loved ones.

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Blair Waldorf

Serious, sometimes even too, Blair Waldorf conquered our hearts with their diligence, vulnerability and, of course, an incredible feeling of style. What kind of persistence Blair went to get the formation of his dreams, could not not melt the hearts of even the most tary opponents of this heroine. Sometimes she was too sliced ​​intrigue against other Gossip Characters, but to watch her relationship with Chuck was incredibly agreed. Thanks to the stubborn Blair for the charming history of love, which was able to defeat all obstacles.

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Chuck Bass

Perhaps this character grew over the whole series more than others. In the first season we see the spoiled boy, who is alien to sincere feelings, and he perceives the girls out seriously, only as entertainment. Everything changed when Blair broke into his life. From the boy Chuck, in our eyes, turned into a real man who knows how to fight for his love, and it truly bribes. And if you also watched the series in the original, then his low and languid voice could not immediately leave you indifferent. But ED Wester worked for a long time for his speech for the sake of this role, do not forget!

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Nate Archibald

Nate is the only of the whole company of friends who have never sent messages to the "Gossip". And we believe that only this fact deserves to sympathize with this hero. Despite the fact that Nate managed to meet with all the heroons of the series, we love him for the fact that every time he was as sincere as possible. Remember only how she trembled to Serena, as a fought for Love Sage or believed Juliet Sharpe.

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Dan Humphrey

You can relate differently to this hero of "Gossips", but not to evaluate how from a simple guy, it has become a real resident of the upper East Side, it is impossible. How virtuoso he broke into the world of "golden youth" and subordinate it to himself! A little controversial remains his feelings for Serena, but Dan himself said that he only loved her all this time, and we want to believe him, and therefore I rank it to the list of favorite characters of the series.

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Lily van der Woodsen and Rufus Humphrey

Mom Serena, receptionive mother Chooka, the former wife of Father Dan - Lili Van der Woodsen deserves our unconditional love. Its style can be considered one of the most impeccable, self-esteem can be put as an example, and the love of children justified all her even the most unpleasant acts. This heroine always answered his actions, followed the call of the heart and was exactly the woman who would like to imitate. For this we love her.

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Father of Humphrey family is a real sample of loving and attentive men. He dedicated his life to the care of his son and daughter, to many sacrificed for them, and this, of course, we like. He so sincerely loved Lily and fought for their relationship, that this also causes admiration, so Rufus is the place in the list of our pets.

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Jenny Humphrey

Many do not like the baby Jenny after that of her connection with Chuck, but we know that in fact a little frightened girl always lived behind all her inquiries. We love Jenny for stubbornly pierced the path to the Tusovka of the Upper East Side, but when she could not become part of that world, she gathered himself anew and followed the dream. We like the desire of Jenny Humfrey to become a designer and how she was staging his honor, struggling with the insidious representatives of the golden youth.

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Carter Bazen.

Although Carter Basen and not the main character of the series "Gossip", we cannot not mention it. Being, as well as the main characters of the series, a representative of golden youth, Carter thoughtlessly left one very influential family in fools. But he found the strength to bring sincere apologies and even incur a harsh punishment. Despite its cynicity outside, we all saw his thin romantic nature. And they helped us in this, of course, Sebastian Stan.

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Georgina Sparks

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The main villainage of the series of Georgina, the role of which played charming Michelle Trakhtenberg, although I spoiled a lot of blood to the main characters, we really like it. She always found sophisticated ways to implement their plans, and her cunning admires us. Add wonderful outfits and a sense of humor to this - and we have a character that cannot be not loved. Well, her duet with Uncle Jack, we generally consider the best pair of the final.

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