Shots of the second season "Witcher" can start in August


After pausing the film production due to the studio coronavirus pandemic, they gradually begin to return to the shooting process. According to the data from Redanian Intelligence, specializing in the news about the world "Witcher", NetFlix is ​​going to resume shooting the second season of the series in the first week of August. According to the site, this is not a final decision, as it is unknown, what rules and conditions for filmmaking will be in August. But the news looks very encouraging.

Shots of the second season

If the beginning of the shooting will be postponed on a later date, it is likely that NetFlix will decide to transfer the date of the premiere of the second season. At the moment it is scheduled for the summer of 2021. Redanian Intelligence believes that it is not necessary to worry about the date of the premiere. According to their data, the Studio of Platige Image, working on special effects for the second season "Witcher", must complete all the work before July 2021. However, if the shooting is postponed, then work on special effects will also be postponed. At the same time, it is necessary to fear that due to safety procedures when shooting, the shooting process can stretch over time.

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