Star "Sorvigolov" Charlie Cox could play superman instead of Henry Caville


Currently, all TV series Netflix on Marvel comics stopped, the future of heroes is uncertain. More than all the fan community is indignant because of the cessation of the series "Sorvigolov", in which Charlie Cox fulfilled the main role. Fans appealed to Marvel with petition to continue to release the series. Even if it is impossible to continue it to display on Netflix, then let it be done for Disney +. The executor of Matt Merdok / Sorvigolov thanked the fans, but said that he was still unknown to him, whether he would ever play this role.


At the same time it became known that Charlie Cox could play another superhero. The author of the comic "Pipetz" Mark Millar in an interview with The Aspiring Kryptonian told him the famous details of the film DC:

Studio Warner Bros. After the "Return of Superman", there was negotiations with ten different directors to decide who to instruct further work. Among these directories was Matthew Von, who had the concept of the trilogy about Superman. Matthew's major role wanted to give Charlie Coxus, with whom for the year or two before the "star dust" before.


Coke showed himself during the filming of a surprisingly pleasant man. Of course, with its growth much less than 6 feet (180 cm), it is not very similar to the superman, which is usually played by high actors, but he externally resembles a superman of the golden century comics, when superheroes were more like ordinary people.

As a result, the studio gave the director's seat Snider's director, and the role of Superman invited Henry Caville. And at the moment, Cavill does not know exactly the same, whether he will be superman once again, like Coke does not know about Sorvigolov. The last time Cavill was played Superman in 2017.

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