Chase Crawford about the colleagues on the series: "We have excellent relationships. We all managed to sleep with each other!"


About advertising Diet Coke : "I have always been a big fan of Diet Coke. Drink five bottles a day at the shooting! Everything came out spontaneously. They just asked me to do it and I agreed without any doubt. We shot photos for the campaign in New York, so It was comfortable and fun. "

About relationships with the acting composition of the Gossip: When you experience something like that in youth, especially in New York, it is always fun. We have definitely become family. I will not talk for everyone, but I have a special good relationship with each of the guys. I love them all, though. We all managed to sleep with each other! I mean in the series. The storyline goes in a circle, so you meet someone with someone else, it grieves. When you get removed for 16 hours a day, it is such joy to be able to be friends and have fun with people with whom you work. "

About the role in "What to wait for, when you're waiting for a child": "It seems to be" real love. "So four separate stories. And I have my own storyline with Anna Kendrick. Our story about the younger generation. Our heroes met at school, then they had something and ... The girl became pregnant. And We need to somehow cope with it. Of course we fall in love. This is a pleasant contrast compared to other stories. "

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