David Cronenberg forced Robert Pattinson to look for answers alone


Have you already been familiar with Don Delillo novel?

No, but I read the other books. At first I read the script sent to me by David Cronenberg, and only then - the novel. The scenario follows the book that it is practically incredible, especially if you consider that "Cosmopolis" was considered impossible to adapt. Even before I read Delilelo's job, I was amazed at how hard the stress in scenarios rapidly.

What attracted your attention in this movie?

Cronenberg, without any doubt! I saw his films and could not imagine what to work with him. And I was not disappointed .... I knew that he would play with his creativity. I was captured by this scenario, as you are trimmed with a long poem, a very mysterious poem. Usually when you read the script, you quickly understand what he is, where the story leads, and how it will end, although there are unexpected turns and sophisticated moves. With the script of the "cosmopoly" everything was completely different: the farther I read, the more I could not understand how it was all out. And it made me want to take part in the film. As if it is not just a role in the film, but a unique opportunity.

After reading the scenario for the first time, did you imagine exactly how it will be embodied on the screen?

Absolutely no. For the first time, when I spoke with David Cronenberg, I explained that I did not see how it should work out. He calmed me, saying that this is a good sign. Although during the first week of filming, we were still surprised how David would collect all together. Everything was charming, as if the film was built by step by step.

Now, when all the work is over, the resulting film is very different from the script?

It is hard to say. I saw him twice on closed views, where they check the reaction of the public. And the results were struck by a variety: from smiles up to voltage. I was surprised as "Cosmopolis" capable of calling such contradictory emotions.

In your opinion, who is your hero Eric Packer? How would you describe it?

For me, Eric is a person belonging to another world. Living, as if he was born on another planet. Packer does not understand how this world is arranged and how to live in it.

He had enough knowledge about the world in which he lives in order to be able to put the condition.

Yes, but all this is very abstract. Banks, brokerage, speculation ... All this is fragmentary. The fact that he is a good manager does not mean that he is a deep specialist. These are very rare insights, something is a mystical. All these algorithms for him as spells. In the film, as in the book, he can predict future financial trends, but he does not know how to live in the present. Perhaps he is able to grab the essence of some mechanisms of the world around him. But all this is fragmentary and odd.

Did you discuss it with David Cronenberg?

Yes a little. But he liked when I was looking for answers. He appreciated when I played not quite understanding what I was doing. And when he noticed that I spoke the right way, he said to continue in this spirit. It was a very strange way to lead the shooting, based more on the feelings, and not at the original ideas.

How did you prepare for the role?

David does not like samples. We did not really talk a lot about the film until you started shooting it. Only on the shooting, I met with other actors.

It was unusual to shoot scenes in chronological order?

I think it was very important, it created the effect necessary for understanding the film. At the beginning of the filming, no one knew, on what note everything will end. Well, David knew, but he did not share with us.

One of the features of this role is that your hero finds himself, meeting with differentPeople. What was it?

When I agreed to remove, only Paul Jamatti was signed by the role by that time. I always considered it a great actor. But it was just magically to see Juliets Binosh, Samantha Morton and Mathieu Amalric, reincarnating in their characters. Each of them will be shown its note to the shooting area. I stayed in the world of "Cosmopolis" for a long time, and they only poured into this reality and immediately picked up the rhythm.

Different styles of the actor game were present, due to the mostly different nationalities of actors? Or all the actors submitted to the director's vision of Cronenberg?

A variety is associated with New York, where everyone looks like a person from other places, and where English is not at all for everyone's native language. Of course, we did not have the task of creating the effect of realism: the action takes place in New York, but there is really no definite location location. Actors with different roots, reflecting the features of the city, give the "cosmopolis" of the strangeness and abstractness.

Do you remember any special instructions of Cronenberg while working on the film?

He insisted that I uttered every word from the scenario just as it is written. It was impossible to make any changes.

Did you like working in such a manner?

It was one of the reasons why I agreed to the role in the "Cosmopolis". I did not do anything like before. Usually actors make something in the replicas and characters characters. In my previous works, the dialogues were very flexible. And this time it was similar to work in the theater: when you play Shakespeare on the stage, you can not change words at your discretion.

What was the most difficult in working on the film?

It is very unusual to play a character who does not pass through any evolution and does not go along the predictable path. It is clear that the packer has changed, but not as the audience is used to seeing. David kept everything under control. I have never worked with the director who controlled every aspect in his film, the duty is responsible for everything for every small step. At first it was unusual, but gradually his method won my trust, and I relaxed.

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