Demi Lovato and Simon Cowell on the show Conan O'Brian


Demi and Simon are constantly arguing and poded each other. Leading even confused because of how well these two are self-sufficient in the frame. The first thing Demi spoke about the clothes of his colleague: "We are trying to attract a young audience, but I'm not sure that we will achieve this if Simon continues to show his bud between the breasts more often than Britney and I." Simon did not hide: "You are very annoying. How do you?" "How can I do this? You can be a real asshole. How do you like it?" - Demi replied. "I'm used to," Koell spread his hands.

During the show, it turned out that Britney Spears is not at all so strangely behaving on the set, as the press writes. In the media often wrote that the singer constantly leaves the shooting platform. However, Simon and Demi told that in fact Britney simply goes to short breaks, and Cowell also did so much. However, the press writes only about the scandalous star.

The lead suggested the guests to say something that moves the entire audience to watch X Factor, and not The Voice. Simon was bright: "Next week Britney will hold half the topless show." "And Simon will finally buys a shirt, and the audience will receive something new," added Demi. "And Demi will tell something interesting," - did not remain in the debt of Cowell.

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