Chris Hemsworth in the OUT magazine. May 2012.


That because of the appearance he only gets the roles of superheroes : "Such sizes, like me, very quickly lead to stereotypes. It seems like, you can't be talented, being so huge. You know, such people should be stupid. Do not be surprised if you are limited in roles and will not allow you to play something else. But the pros in this situation outweigh the minuses. "

About the Council who gave him Channing Titum : "Channing expressed an excellent thought about the modern audience, which is characterized by hyperactivity and attention disorder. You can't be in the shade too long. Stars appear on the conveyor. We live at such a time. The film means much more than the star. There are a bunch of guys who can play the same role, but you need to try to benefit from this. "

The fact that he quickly became a superstar: "I would like to say that this is all thanks to hard work. And, yes, this is an integral component. But I know so many actors who work hard and do not achieve such success. I'm not going to complain. "

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