Amanda Baynes asks not to compare it with Lindsay Lohan


In the morning of April 6, Amanda was arrested after she crashed into a police car. The actress was released on bail. "Amanda believes that it is absolutely dishonest to call her new Lindsay Lohan," the source is close to the actress. - The comparison between them is just ridiculous, since Amanda was never arrested for storing drugs or keeping something. Yes, she was arrested for drunk driving. The form, but this does not mean that she will go on the same path as Lindsay. Amanda does not have any negative emotions to Lohan, they are not even familiar. Just Amanda seems to be all the case in double standards. A man in Hollywood will never be It was devoted to such close attention and the censure for drunk driving, like a woman. And it is very upsetting the actress. "

Friends Amanda Baynes advise her to go to the rehabilitation clinic, but it resists. "Amanda rolls down the inclined six months. Although her father stated that she did not drink, he knows that she has a problem," the insider reports.

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