Jennifer Lawrence in the magazine W


On missing talents : "I'm just terribly dancing. I'm not so many talents: I don't care, I don't know how to get out, not to sew. The only thing I can do well is to shoot from Luka, which probably will never be useful for me again, and Play. Imagine a hundred years ago I would be useless. "

On the shooting of the rape scene at 15 years: "I hid the scenario of" Poker House "from the parents before listening. When I turned out the role, it was already too late - they had to resolve me. My mother was present during these scenes."

About their fame: "It's sad that I can't live more in Los Angeles. I don't understand how other actors manage to do it. I have no life here! You are constantly watching. Nowhere in the world there is no such thing. I do not want to stay in Los Angeles more . But I still love movies. I just am going to love him from Kenthuk or Prague. "

OK Ceremony "Oscar": "This is such an honor and a stunning compliment, but also a very strange thing. Suddenly you are at a party, where everyone is famous, and you feel a fault. By the time the ceremony was supposed to take place, I was already sick of training and diets, from Corsets and questions about clothes. I had to sit on a diet, because at all these parties there was champagne and snacks. I ate so much! On the night of Oscar, I had probably two sets of weighting linen at once! "

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