Zamri, Melci, Sunday: Michelle Rodriguez in InStyle magazine


Sixteen Moscow Tweets are scattered through the United States of America. About them even the book is written. There are twenty-one Hollywood. This is British exports, like new England, New Hampshire, New York. Migrant nostalgia, winking of the new light to the old. Well, tight with toponymic ideas, but a lot of places, you need to master. Again - as you call, I will swim. I want to be beautiful, recognizable. Therefore, Venice is two. One of them in Los Angeles - Venice (Venice). Bohemno Rastamansky Place, it comes out on a wide white beach, another tightly sniffs to the bourgeois Santa Monica, meets pharmacies from the green five cannabis on the doors - marijuana in California almost legalized, and if there is a card from a doctor that the grass is shown as a sedative (And to straighten such a document - ten minutes in any hospitable grass shop), then a pair of "plans" can always have with you. It is impossible only to be reapged in public places, but in the Venice after sunset, it seems that everything is blowing, including pets.

I approach dinner to the main street of the city, named after His founder, tobacco millionaire Abbot Kinny, - tidy, not as an example of the tourist promenade at the beach, where they spend the night, and the hipster swelling. Neither the Venice as a whole nor Ebbot Kinny has nothing to do with this Venice. And yet this street is the most Europeanized part of the Metropolis of Los Angeles, the size of which will give odds in Moscow in its new circuit. In one of the local restaurants I was appointed to meet Michel Rodriguez, a fight-virgin from "Furious" and the first part of the "abode of evil." Soon the owners of the film franchise on the reasons of the computer game of the same name will make us get off the fifth part of the apocalyptic saga about zombies. Summary of the previous series: Heroine Michelle, Rhine, bitten and grilled in the first series, in 2002. How I risen, does not tell, calls to watch.

Before an interview, Sony Pictures showed me for minutes fifteen slices, completely the film was not yet ready, the special effects were drawn. Part of the action unfolds at the Arbatskaya metro station. There are two (heheh) in Moscow, the cinema is that under the Red Rotond. Removed, of course, in the pavilion, whether they were signed, or they saved, but the platform is now the original two times. Anyway thanks, tried. Michelle says, Russia is a very good cashier of their zombies, so this time the country has gave about a quarter of the screen time. For comparison: the four previous series there were two Russian men, barely managed to drop a pair of phrases, and the inscription "Army" by Cyrillic on the aircraft killyshka Mill Yovovich. And then shooting in Moscow, Vasily Blessed on the world poster and the Arbatskaya station.

It was necessary to approach the search for a restaurant in Venice to go high in advance - Bobo's orders in this oasis are not accepted. On the skinny sidewalk there are blue plastic boxes - packaging from-under bottles, on drawers - Valya, defiantly elegant youth lunch. I have a queue, I sit on the container, I bargain with a blond in the precise "glamorous closer" and trying to understand how this area could attract Meryl Strip from video games. I am not Yernichu: Michelle here is the truth so called. The company producing a video game, on which the film "Resident Evil" was tailored, buys the right to use digital heroes with their appearance. Good income, not scary to skip three series of film bodies.

"When he moved here, the first four years lived above, closer to Hollywood, to the Kabaks, to the party, - in a few minutes, already in the restaurant courtyard, explains Michel. - Now I am old for this, and before - UU! Six days a week - heat. We call this Fomo, FAR OF Missing Out (in free translation - TNMT, not past the tusi)

- Call a couple of golden places?

- Yes, everything was already planted! In Los Angeles, hot points do not live for more than six months.

- There are still something in common with Moscow from this city.

- Whiskey-bar at the Chateau Marmon Hotel is perhaps the only long-lived. There is always cool.

- Who have fun at the hotel?

- With lesbians basically. There is such a Hollywood party, but there, too, have already made a lot from the distance. And how vigorously rested! Great girls: who is a costume artist who is in the music industry. There are several non-skilled men: some in the online segment of the film industry work, other cyber-storey works are engaged, producers, directors, ride around the world, I - with them.

- If you started not from the "female battle" (Rodriguez film 2000 and her only while the main role is.) - Walable your career would be? Are you comfortable to constantly depict the stuff?

- Hard is my conscious choice. Otherwise I would be crushed. And I will not give! I want to play independent women. Angelina Jolie is the first in Lara Croft (the pioneer of the film genre with a computer game based on the plot came out almost simultaneously with the first "abode of evil") proved that a woman can be self.

- You, Michelle, definitely an independent look at this film.

- Yes, you regain myself: the strength of the film depends on the number of viewers, to which he managed to convey. And who has the biggest audience? At blockbusters! This is an international moral imperative.

- I pass.

- That's something. But soon independence will not require a fastule, tin goes into the past.

- OK, there is a good news.

Snezhana Goriajnskaya

According to the materials of the InStyle magazine.

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