Berlinale 2012. Competitive films. Vol.1.



Franco-Senegal Picture, which caused Critics with completely polar opinions and emotions. A young man named Saccha wakes up and goes ... dying. What exactly happens to him, we do not explain. And, in fact, it does not matter. After one hero, we show the main points that occupy a person before death. With a special tender, the director transmits on the screen the flavor of African countries and the traditions of the African people. The famous American singer, poet and actor Sol Williams.


Spanish thriller, shot in the best traditions of the genre. In the life of Daniel, everything is going up as it is impossible, good work, a wonderful wife. But everything changes when a friend of childhood cuts themselves. Daniel and his wife Laura decorate temporary guardianship over his young daughter. But the time passes, and the main character begins to understand that something is wrong with the girl. I would say that this is a psychological thriller that it is impossible to escape from the past. Critics at the festival rated the film not very high, but, in my opinion, this is the most visual cinema from the entire competitive program (at the moment). I would also like to celebrate very beautiful faces of the main characters, Laura, Daniel and July.


When Gael was very small, she kidnapped it a certain Vincent. Why did he do it, the audience will not tell. However, all friends are at different ways. 8 years have passed and, Vincent releases a girl. Now she needs to understand how to live on in society. And is it possible that no one will ever understand her better than a person who kept her so many years locked up. French cinema, over-tightened, without much development.

Caesar must die

In my opinion, one of the most interesting projects in the competitive program. The film of the Taviani brothers on how in one of the Italian prisons put a performance on the tragedy of Shakespeare "Julius Caesar". What is noteworthy, the main roles are executed by real prisoners. In fact, they play themselves but at the same time the film is difficult to call the documentary. Honestly, we saw such Shakespeare for the first time.


The German picture with the main star of Germany -Nogo HOSS is the main role. Another variation on the topic "Berlin Wall". A doctor named Barbara is sent from Berlin to a small German town, where the sympathy of a colleague doctor begins to show it. But the thought of Barbara once to escape from the GDR, and possibly from the country. As we know, at that time it was almost impossible. Probably, it will not be superfluous to note that for Germans the topic of the country's separation to the East and the West is still very relevant. And therefore Barbara film was met with stormy ovations

About the film "Forgres ah, my queen," which is also presented in the competition, I told a little earlier.

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