Berlinale 2012. Welcome jury!


Perhaps I will not even tire you now quotes on the topic, what is the honor of being invited in the jury of such a major festival ... Rather, I will share my observations. Each, absolutely everyone, a jury member plays its unofficial role. Let's quickly consider: Mike Lee- chairman of the jury, British director, author of such films as' "carefree" and "good year." His role is "wise, but the cheerful chairman." Barbara Zukovova-German actress, star film "Lola" (1981). Her role "representative of the German cinema in the jury." I would have added from myself personally - a visual example of beautiful old age. Anton Korbine is a famous photographer and director, his role "silent connoisseur of the visual series." Buala Sansen - Algerian writer, dismissal for assessing the scenario component in the films of the competition. Charlotte Gensburg - "Modern and Fashionable European Actress." A little awkward, slightly shy. French Ozone- "Intellectual French Director" Asgar Farghadi "Triumfator of the past Berlinale". His film "Divoring of Nope and Simmin" deservedly received the Golden Bear last year. Jake Jillenhol is a poor poor Jake. About him today is the most conversations in the back of the festival. Because, at first glance, he reminded the fish chosen ashore. Hollywood actor who fell into the foreign environment. Having confused after the first hint of the hall - who called you here? As foreign journalists said, Jillenhol only did it that she was stupid giggles. So his amplua denotes the short-"Hollywood in Europe." In general, these people will decide who will receive cherished bears. Let me remind you, again, who is fighting for these honorary prizes - "Goodbye, my queen", "Tey", "Caesar must die", "A Moi Seule", "Dictato", "Meteora", "Captive", " Jayne Mansfield's Car "," Was BleiBt "," Tabu "," Bai Lu Yuan "," A Royal Affair "," Just the Wind "," Postcards from the Zoo "," Gnade "," Barbara "," War Witch ".

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