Nude Miranda Kerr in the magazine Harper's Bazaar. September 2012


About how motherhood influenced her healthy lifestyle : "I adhere to the philosophy that beauty begins from the inside. And I can make efforts to fill your body with nutrients through food that I eat. Maternity made me even more aware and enthusiastic health and nutrition. So much that now I am a certified practitioner coach for a healthy lifestyle. I love when we are going to the whole family, and I can cook them really healthy and delicious food. "

About what would she do if she had only half an hour a day for training : "At the heart of my health and the right lifestyle is yoga. Even if I can allocate only 10 or 15 minutes, it helps me cheer up and focus, as well as strengthen the body. In addition to this, I would make a few squats for the hips and buttocks. "

About whether she considers herself a spiritual person : "It seems to me that yoga classes are very affected by spirituality and give time to immerse themselves with the help of meditation. And singing mantras helps me to connect with the highest energy. As a child, I found that certain installations give me spiritual power. "

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