Jake Jillenhol in Details magazine. September 2012


About preparation for shooting in his new film "Patrol": "Five months for the sake of 22 days of filming. Three nights a week I spent in the raids with the police. Classes of martial arts every morning in the family [special hall for karate] KenBokarate, where the whole spirit knocked out of me. Then a number of shooting lessons with real cartridges. The film was not real explosions, but Dave (director) wanted us to feel what it really is. So he made us know what it means to burn. Control, of course. Once on Saturday, with Michael Peña, we dressed as firefighters from head to feet, and then suddenly they were sitting in the middle of a burning building. "

About your attitude to life : "Every journey begins with fear. And this is what I'm trying to get now. Real experience. And I want to be sure of the correctness of what I know. There were many cases when I was not sure. "

About training : "I'm not running anymore. Do I pay attention to my body and continue to serious classes? Yes. But regular workouts do not coincide with the energy of the character I play now. "

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